“When accepting this auspicious award, you must write a post bragging about it, including the name of the misguided soul who thinks you deserve such acclaim, and link back to said person so everyone knows who he or she is. Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design. Or improvise by including ones who have no idea who you are because you don’t have 7 friends. Show the 7 random victims’ names and links and leave a harassing comment informing them that they were prized with “Honest Weblog.” Well, there’s no prize, but they can keep the nifty icon. List at least ten honest things about yourself. Then, pass it on! "
Hmmmmm. 10 honest things.
1) Crystal: Jan would never make a nurse. She has a h-e-a-v-y hand with the brush. The thought of her changing dressings or doing stitches ...... Ouuuuuuuuuch!
2) Cotton: I like to be up high, so my favorite sleeping spot is on the fridge, where a cat can do her best projectile vomiting across the room.
3) Merci: I like to collect cats on our walks but Buddy and Sam scare them away.
4) Cyndi: Jan thinks I groom her hair because I like to. Actually, she should try it herself.
5) Percy: I am the best typist on the Funny Farm. And I'm not a bad driver either. Well, parking in the bushes doesn't count as bad driving. That was Sam's fault.
6) Cameron: I thought the kitty tent and hammock Jan put together was mine since it was just my size, but Percy and Cotton keep taking it over. And Rusty must sleep in it when I'm not looking. It's saggggggging!
7) Buddy: I don't know anything .... anything at all .... about what happened to the top slice of bread for Jan's sandwich. She probably just forgot she ate it herself.
8) Rusty: I miss Miss Mother. She had lots of time to give me special attention and extra treats. And she had a possum that came to play in the house with me after dark. I don't understand why Jan didn't move him here too.
9) I'm a handsome guy. So how come all Jan's pix show me with glowing coals where my eyes should be? Can I trade her in for another photographer?
10) We all think Jan needs a memory transplant. Anyone know a suitable donor?
We're not sure who has or hasn't had this award yet, so we're going to choose ....
(If any of you have already had this, don't worry about it.)
Bae Bae2)
Bumpass Hounds & Kitties
Our new friend Elin told us to stop by and pick up this Friendly Blogger graphic. We were very sad when Boody left for the bridge. This is what Elin wrote, and for this reason, we'd like to pass it on to all our friends, old and new, because you are all Friendly Bloggers. And you're all there when needed.
"Today, I create an award to deliver to all my furriends. All my furriends is very nice and very friendly, thank u furriends. They are very supportive and full with love. So, I would like to deliver this friendly award to all my furriends, especially those who purrrs a lot for our late Boody, and for those who always read my blog. Thank you for befriend with me, your far furriend. You can pass this award to any friendly blogger that u know/like." Elin