Saturday, May 17, 2008

Fish School

We were under the impression fish are only good for one thing - dinner! But we came across a fish school website and just have to share it.

You can see more videos of Fish School on the website.


  1. We think we might have seen that video on someone's bloggy. But no matter how many times we watch it, it never fails to amaze us!
    We're gonna go visit the website!
    Wags and licks,
    Maya and Kena

  2. Oh my goodness, I want that, I want that!

  3. The dad of the house went to graduate school with a student friend that trained goldfish to do tricks. He really liked the video and is going to check out the link tomorrow.
    Thanks for sharing this neat video.

  4. Cute video! Thanks for sharing! I have noticed you have put up noos in the CB about raising funds for Panther in Criz's blog. It's very small on his blogsite and can easily be missed. I will contribute but SS's finance is a bit tight just now and I can't contribute as much as I would have liked.

  5. i knew daisy wood want dat ... but i havta say ... i want dat, too! we had sum fish but dey weren't az smart az dat guy!

  6. Oh my gosh! We love it! :)

  7. Ha! Wow! You know... they say to never play with your food... but dis looks kinda fun!

  8. That's really amazing. I can barely get Ari to sit for her dinner!

  9. That was way cool!!! To bad all our fish live outside in a huge pond. We would love to teach them tricks!!!


    Thanks for purring for us!

  10. I thought it was AMAZING! Fish doing agility! But then Ammy said, "Of course fish are smart, they spend most of their time in school." Then she started giggling.
    Play bows,

  11. Whoa! I have to show this to Dad! We need to get his fish into training. It's about time they did something useful.


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