Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Huan & Jerry and News

It always intrigue us to watch a video of interspecies friends.   Huan and Jerry are two such friends - an unlikely pair. 

If the video doesn't play, click here.

The Tabby Cat Club's first activity is Whisker Wednesday, so be sure to post your whiskers on the TCC blog tomorrow.

Marg has posted a warning about PayPal Donate buttons that are used on blogs. Evidently, if you are not a licensed/registered non profit, PP will close your account and you could lose all or at best a big chunk of your donations.  This has been happening to a number of bloggers. 

We found this 2009 short post on the subject - Thinking About Using a PayPal "Donate" Button on Your Blog?.  Please note that it has a good suggestion and you don't need a button - anyone care to buy us some kibble?  We strongly suggest you never use the words "donate," "rescue," "TNR," or anything that could even remotely suggest you are a licensed non profit or a business.

We know that many of you have a Zazzle store and we're wondering if any of you who do have read the new terms of service and what you think of them? They are instituting major changes, including renaming some items "accessories" for which sellers would not receive a royalty and raising the payment limit and instituting fees for payment under the limit.  If you haven't read their email introducing it yet, we suggest you read it and click the link to read the entire terms of service.  UPDATE:  Chey's human has explained that the list of "Accessories" on the Zazzle site are not included in the list of "accessories" Zazzle won't pay a royalty on.  Jan is breathing again so we won't get to practice CPR today..


  1. Thanks to the link re: PayPal. But you can't change their default text options--at least I can't. I'd have to create a new button that said something like "Vet Bills" if I wanted to use it again on my site.

  2. Yeah--you can only use the buy now or the donate but you can use the buy now INSTEAD of the donate button so it is like someone it buying. Chey never said donate on hers except what paypal said. Not that we got donations.

    I've never had anyone purchase a frame or extra laces for the shoes (have yet to sell shoes) so those changes shouldn't affect us. Also we are paid via paypal so the raised check limit is not affecting us either. Hope it doesn't affect you much!

  3. When Mom Paula set up the button for Sweet Praline, she used the "buy now" button because the "donate" button had caused problems for others. I don't know why they have an issue with this! They are getting their cut.

    Truffle and Brulee

  4. Paula, is so right. What is their beef, they get money out of each transaction. I can't get anyone to answer the question about can you get money through the Buy Now button. I think we could do that deal of sending money to certain email addresses. Thanks Jan for pointing out that article.

  5. Paypal should learn tolerance and understanding from the gorgeous kitty and his pal Jerry the mouse!

    Take care

  6. PayPal pretty much stinks. Someone needs to make up a "This Is Not A Donate" button!

  7. That's so rotten about PayPal. I mean, seriously? They're going to be like that? Thanks for pointing us to that helpful article, Jan!

  8. I think Old Kitty said it best! There should be an option for those who aren't registered nonprofits.

  9. I agree with old kitty too what is wrong with them at paypal. I just love that video and how sweet are they.. Hugs GJ xx

  10. It's simply the way eBay does business (they own PP). I use to do auctions on eBay but stopped when things got bad. Now things are a lot worse. I don't understand though if you have a personal acct set up and a button on your blog why there would be any problem. I did see information on PP as to how to change the wording of the button. So the information is on their website (I don't know if it is easy or not -- probably not) but I did not see anything clearly stating that if you use the donate button you can only be a certified non profit. That is so wrong.


  11. OMC !!! This is wicked !!! How kitty can be friend with the mosie !!!
    May be because The kitty names Huan, not " Tom "...tee..heh..heh

  12. That was a great video. I am surprized about the zazzle changes. They were already taking a huge cut. I guess when you get big enough, they figure they can ask for more.

  13. Good advice! We've never tried to use a button, but it's always good to see helpful friends getting the word out there cause plenty of people need to know.

    We are not so sure about rodents... we are still convinced that they would taste good. Really good.

  14. About Paypal. That why we stopped using many sites. They lie cheat and steal...

  15. I love mouseys - but not in THAT way! Tee hee!

  16. There is a way to use text like Support our Blog instead of a button but we have not mastered it yet!

    Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Wildcat Woods!

  17. I think it has something to do with taxes- some states are cracking down and the federal government may also.

    Happy Thanksgiving y'All!


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