Sunday, August 30, 2015

Tears to Laughter

RUSTY:  Why are we posting this picture again?  The Team Cat competition is long over.

SAM:  We needed a photo in a hurry and this is it.  Don't worry.  It isn't stalking you.

RUSTY:  Oh, okay, if you're sure. So why are we posting today?

SAM:  It's been a rough few weeks and Jan has been very discouraged since Thursday.  Friday we did the Remembering Bridge Angels post and then we were all down and discouraged thinking of those we're missing (just since we began blogging) as well as the ones our friends have lost. 

RUSTY:  Yes, the idea was that everyone would share their bridge losses and we'd all feel better.  But we cried and couldn't read other posts, so we really let our friends down.

SAM:  We decided we don't want to stay depressed and looked for something to make us laugh.  We'd like to share ours with you.  You might need a laugh too. 

RUSTY:  This chihuahua should come visit the next time Jan uses a gate to close you dogs in the bedroom.

MARCUS:  I don't need his help.  I just leap over the gate.

SAM:  *mumble, mumble*  What a braggart!

RUSTY:  I get the sense this chihuahua has been practicing his escape technique.  What do you think?

If the video doesn't play, click here.


  1. Hari OM
    BOL.... OMD that was just the right amount of laughter.... well done guys! Hugs, wags, and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. I saw this last week and it is so funny. What a smart pup. I was worried for a moment that it got stuck but it's way too clever for that!

  3. Oh yes we laughed. That was too funny!
    Jan we hope you're feeling better. ((hugs))

  4. Oh wow! I didn't expect that to happen! MOL

  5. As much as I liked the Rainbow Brdige posts, I cried through them all. It is good to have something to cheer us all up.

  6. we completely couldn't read all of them either and had a hard time writing it....but we appreciate knowing that others understand. and having happy thoughts is good too

  7. MOL! Thanks for the laugh. My mum couldn't read all the posts either.

  8. MOL ! We didn't expect the final scene ! Purrs

  9. MOL I was so glad that little dog escaped the fence in the end!

    Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs, Spike William

  10. That is one determined little guy!! Thanks for the giggles!!!
    Dory, Arty, Jakey & Bilbo

  11. Oh so cute! I needed that, thanks, Jan.
    I hope you get lots of love from your furry family and feel better soon.

  12. That pup is a HERO! :)

    The Rainbow Bridge remembrances were bittersweet, to be sure. We hope your hearts are happier real soon, dear pals.

  13. Now we send huge hugs to Jan...yes that was a teary week remembering and so close to us for an anniversary..but the BOLS and the MOLS will always be part of life too..much loves Fozziemum xxx

  14. Aw, it is so very sad, I agree, but at the same time, everyone had such beautiful memories. Love that video!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  15. We lubbed the video, it was furry funny!

    Mom bean says she understands how sad it can be to remember though bittersweet because life would not have been as good without the kitties before us.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  16. Oh, MY!! That was least it was when it was all ovfur!


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